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Monday, March 29, 2010

Products I LOVE to HATE

To kick start each week I will stay true to my Monday-Freak-Out-Mode and do reviews on products that I truly love to hate. These are my own personal opinions, I do not take the stance that everyone will feel the same about each of the products I review, but for those who have been on the fence regarding a future purchase, these reviews just might be helpful. Most of the products I will post are either over priced and have failed to perform as was advertised or I had weird reactions to them (Which often is the result of my sensitive skin).

This week's Hate product of choice is:

Model in a Bottle

I watched several youtube reviews regarding this finishing spray and had high hopes, these hopes were quickly dashed. This clear finishing spray is advertised as a product that sprays directly onto the face after full makeup application, acting as a sealant. It is meant to help with the longevity of your makeup, stopping your eyeshadow from creasing and keeping your foundation from rubbing off. Some online guru's even compared it to MACS fix plus which is a mixing medium and hydrating spray. Well lets just say after receiving and trying this product multiple times I was less than satisfied.

With the first application I noticed that the spray was not a mist, but rather a spurt. This left huge drops of product on my face which I then had to blend with a sponge. The product itself felt very heavy, almost sticky at first, it was as if I took a can of Aqua Net hairspray and went to town on my face. The stickiness soon disappeared as did its not so pleasant scent. I was willing to over look some of these downsides, since I know many products do require some work, and wishing this would be one of those brilliant potions I went on using it for one week, just to give it a fair shot. The main reason that I could not continue with Model in a Bottle is because it settled into my fine-lines, exaggerating them, giving my skin a dryness and leaving a finish that looked almost filmy. Every now and again I pick up this product and use it, in hopes that this time will be different. Each time I am disappointed.

So let me give it to ya straight. If you want to look like Rasinface (Rachel Zoe), the woman who Perez Hilton always mocks on his blog for having wrinkled and over-tanned skin, than this is the product for you. But me...well I'm going to save my 18 dollars plus shipping and purchase something that makes me look ageless not aged.

Thats my story and I'm sticking to it!

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