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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

March Madness

My favorite product for the month of March:

StriVectin SD Eye Cream

Hands down this was my favorite product during March. I purchased this cream around the middle of February at my local Target, and frankly I was surprised they even carried this high end brand. Now let me warn you this is not a cheap product, it is a bit on the pricy side, but worth every penny. I figure you only get one face, and taking care of it is crucial in helping to prevent sun-damage and early aging.

Years ago I use to work as a beauty advisor for the make-up counter Prescriptives and one of the products we sold within our department store was the original StriVectin Cream. This product was originally found to work wonders on stretchmarks and it miraculously worked on wrinkles too! The original face cream retails at $130, this product can be used all over the skin and neck the only draw back is for those like me who really only have fine lines around my orbital bone some of the aromatic compounds including peppermint caused irritation to the eye. StriVectin now carries an eye cream that is the same formulation as the original, but has left out any irritating agents so that application around the eyes is safe and comfortable, while continuing to bring the same great results of the original formula.

After using this product for over a month I have seen a drastic change in the texture of the skin under my eyes. It is much more smooth and moisturized, helping to reduce the appearance of my fine-lines as well as the small white bumps that line my dark circles. I apply this both morning and night, and if I forget even just one night.....well I definitely see the affects, that how quickly I notice a difference. This eye cream has encouraged me to try the original formula for the face, so hopefully I will get my hands on a bottle soon and promptly give a review.
I found this product marked down in price from the retail value of $60 to a bargain... $25! When looking for products such as these I always recommend checking out your local Target stores, T.J. Max and Marshals for many of them carry the same brands for less. Brands I commonly see there include StriVectin, Clarins, Origins, Big Sexy Hair and several others.

For those who are skeptical to try an eye cream for the price of $60 here are a few facts that may change your mind.
-First the bottle is 1.3oz which is a lot of product considering most eye creams are packaged in sizes less than 0.5oz.
-Secondly even cheap eye creams from your local drugstore are still going to cost you upwards of 10 dollars, giving results that are not as impressive and also providing smaller amounts of product.
-Thirdly you can often find deals online when looking for StriVectin products, do a little research online and at your local discount stores.
-And lastly....Your WORTH it. Your eyes are the window to the soul...and don't you think they deserve a little lovin too? But don't take my word for it, tell me what you think.


1 comment:

  1. The first thing I wanted to say was that you DO NOT have wrinkles! But then I got to thinking and thought, maybe this stuff does work because I don't see any fine lines and wrinkles on that beautiful face any day, any time. But if it really matters to you, I'll stop cracking jokes to prevent you from one day have crevices the size of the Grand Canyon.
