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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

D.I.Y. Fix Plus

Do you wear mineral power foundation? Do you feel powders can get cakie and feel drying or heavy?

If so I got a 'do it yourself' project just for you. This is a little something I learned by fusing together some of the research I found when trying to do my own replication of the M.A.C. fix plus spray. This is a great product for refreshing the skin with or without product, using it to set power foundations so that it bonds better to the skin, rather just sitting like a thick layer on top of the skin, and can also be used as a mixing medium for pigments, loose eyeshadows, creating eyeliner from dry shadows or to use with tricky products like shimmer or glitter.

You Need:
Glycerine: Which can be found at any drug store, just ask the pharmacist
1 Cucumber
1/2 Lemon or substitute with Lemon oil extract.
Distilled water
Tea Trea oil
Rose Water or Rose oil
1 green tea tea-bag

First boil 2 cups of distilled water, when it reaches the boiling point turn off heat and add the green tea. Let sit. Then cut one whole cucumber(medium size-or 1 cup when cut). Add the cut cucumber into the hot water-tea combination. In a different glass add 2 Tablespoons of Glycerine and 4 Tablespoons of distilled water. Stir well. Add 4 drops of Tea Tree Oil to the Glycerine-Water combination, one drop of lemon oil (or one teaspoon of lemon juice), one Drop of Rose oil (or one Tablespoon of Rose water), and then for fragerance you can add any kind of oil you wish (Lavender, Jasmine, Sage, and Rosemary-any or all but only use one drop). Take the Cucumber-Tea Tree mixture and drain into a bowl, you can use a coffee filter to strain out the cucumber and seeds. From this mixture take 4 Tablespoons and mix it into the Glycerine-Water-Oil combination. Stir Well. Put into any spray bottle, and Voila! You have a cheep version of Fix plus, and all those ingredients can be used to make SEVERAL batches of it. Make sure to date the spray with a label, this has a shelf life of about 6-8 weeks. Whenever using fresh foods as ingredients you have to make sure it doesn't spoil quickly, which is why we added the lemon. The Tea Tree oil is good for the skin as is the Rose oil. The cucumber is moisturizing, and the caffeine from the Tea is invigorating for the skin. You can add Vitamin E oil as well, but go light, you don't want the mixture to get too oily, otherwise with will not work over makeup. This spray is also great as a moisturizer, a toner, and an aftershave.

Good Luck and Have Fun!
(I know I did)


  1. I love how you can concoct this but can't seem to cook a darn thing! Haha. Oh well, who needs food when you have fix plus?

  2. Amen! Thats what I got a boyfriend for. shsh..shhh.shhsh
